DUO Services, LLC

Complete Healthcare/Medical Practice Management & Financial Services

Your practice is a business. Treating and healing your patients is the easy part.
Getting paid to do so is the true challenge.

* Do you know your reimbursement percentages?
* Do you know how long it takes you to get paid after each patient visit?
* Do you know the aging on your Accounts Receivable?
* Are you sure your accounts receivable aging is a valid and collectible amount?
* Most importantly, are you comfortable with your financial future?

Your not alone. Many Medical practices are severely lacking in the proper protocols and follow-through needed to maximize the bottom-line... CASH IN YOUR POCKET. Industry statistics show as much as 44 percent or more of healthcare provider revenue can be lost through coding errors, inadequate documentation, lack of follow-up and failure to bill for services actually performed. We know the questions and we have the answers. Partner today with DUO and immediately change the financial health of your practice. If you simply need more thorough billing and aggressive collections, or if your practice is in need of a complete over-haul DUO Services is your complete answer.

We here at DUO Services are looking for partners, not clients. Together we will change your practice, your future, and your life away from the office for the better. Do not continue to run your practice with questions, call us today.

Basic Services

Medical Billing & Collections

Medical billing is a very complex business with rules that change regularly. Proper and maximized billing, aggressive and complete collections, never-ending and relentless follow-through. Our experience and outright dedication to excellence is guaranteed. We follow-up every penny. Every time.
Extensive experience in PIP, LOP, and MUA Procedures!

Practice Assessment/Consultation/Management

A comprehensive series of questions and evaluations which assess the strengths and weaknesses of your individual practice. We do not talk about what most practices do right and wrong. We talk about YOUR practice. Our simple goal is to give you the straight facts and tools to allow your practice to maximize its specific financial capabilities while maintaining the ethics and standards which you demand. It is your practice. We give you the blueprint, you make the decisions.

Provider Credentialing

Credentialing requires completion of a vast array of paperwork and understanding how to get through the maze presented by the insurance carriers. This often unrewarding procedure is probably the most time-consuming process in the industry. We know the game. We play the game. Well.